The “Hubli Champions” were on their first visit on 13th June 2009. It was an early morning excursion  to the “Akshaya Patra” Akshaya Patra is a mid-day meal program. An initiative which is run in collaboration of Public-Private Partnership. We learnt that the kitchen here in Hubli, is one of the largest of the kitchens run by the “Akshaya Patra”. It is from this single kitchen, that today they are able to feed well cooked, hygiene and healthy food to  almost one and half lakh school children everyday!!! in Hubli-Dharwad region. The standards maintained here are of international level.
It was amazing  to see the effort and dedication put into the task to reach out in such large numbers. The staff begins cooking as early as 5 am everyday and right from storing the grains to the point of consumption, all the steps are monitored and every small detail is double checked. Through the efforts of many people, spread across the world, today millions of children are assured atleast one square meal in India. To know more about the foundation click the following link: “AKSHAYA PATRA FOUNDATION” After the “Akshaya Patra” visit, the members assembeled back at the foundation, where Naveen Jha the director of “DCSE” breifed regadring the current education system and some related statistical data as well. Then the group was broken into two. And one headed to visit the Agastya” Lab and the other headed to see the works of “Akshara Foundation” in the slum areas of old Hubli. “KIDS IN AKSHARA INITIATIVE
Children getting Vaccinated

1 Comment »

  1. kiran said,

    enjoyed my third visit to this amazing kitchen

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